Why do People Like Crocs??

Why the hell do people like Crocs for?? They’re ugly. Plus they make some people look like douche bags. If there are people out there who wear them, please tell me why. I know they’re comfortable but it still not worth wearing.

Idunno,random useless thought.

Answer #1

UGLY.UGLY.UGLY. I don’t care how ‘comfortable’ they are. :P

Answer #2

Crocs look like they make you have stinky feet. They might as well sandals than those swiss cheese shoes.

Answer #3

If they’re actual crocs, it’s cause they’re verry comfy. also, you can get all sorts of cute styles and colors now. go to www.crocs.com :)

Answer #4

I know that they are the UGLIEST shoes in the world, but they are very comfortable. I work in a daycare, and it is very easy to slip them on in the morning when I am running late, and, since I am on my feet all day, they are the best shoes ((short of sneakers)) to wear for me because they dont hurt my feet.

Answer #5

there fashionable

Answer #6

I have a real croc but dont own the shoes lolz…

Answer #7

they’re comfortable. but hideous. :| I barley wear mine in public. but its like

have lovely shoes and hurt.

or have ugly shoes and be comfy.

eh. :p

Answer #8

I have no clue why they wear them! I had a pair but I only wore them in the summer 4 the sprinkleror when it rained.

Answer #9

All I know is that most pple think its comfy. I don’t wear them though. =/

Answer #10

Ugly shoes. I’d rather wear running shoes to get comfy but I like reg. shoes

Answer #11

Omgg Thank You! They Are HORRIBLE && tackyy just like uggs ewwiee :(

Answer #12


Umm no they are not there hidious You must have BADDD fashion sense

Answer #13

I guess their kinda comfortable but my god those things are ugly!!!

Answer #14

I always ask the same question. People like crocs and they have a problem with leather punk boots. How ironic.

Answer #15

OMG I dont care how cheap and comfortable ect ect ect they are it doesnt stop them fom being ugly! There are other comfortable and cheap shoes in existence! sorry dont mean to sound agro! lol

Answer #16

they are cheap

Answer #17

I hava pair but I like em cause they’re comfy and good for water shoes or the beach… that’s pretty much it but I gotta admit $50 isn’t really worth it but hey they’re really comfy in the summer when you wanna shoe that covers your toes and lets them breathe (much better than sneakers lol) and so yea.. but if you gotta lotta bugs you might wanna dump out the bugs after going inside lolz

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