why do people have such ignorance with life?

sometimes people live life to the fullest not knowing that there is a limit to everything even to love ,except God. well I keep wondering why people become so ignorant and all of a sudden change the entire world. recently people don’t care what they do. for example young people having sex before marriage, married partners being unfaithful and young and old people not believing that there is one God watching over us. why, in your point of view, do people become ignorant in living? don’t you think that we can all make a change in this world? and then young teens wouldn’t have to become pregnant and married couples wouldn’t have to be suffering the unfaithfulness of their parnters! ok so you can tell me your answers and also want to know what might be causing people to act this way when God gave us intelligence but we do not us it? note that I also include myslef in this because I am part of the human race!! THANKS FOR YOUR ANSWER

YOURS in GOD Nelly

Answer #1

Toadaly and filletofspam have summed up what I was going to say. So I wont repeat it.

Answer #2

Why do people have such arrogance to consider everyone with a different worldview to be ignorant?

Answer #3

I more or less wonder why people are so ignorant as to follow the fairy-tale religions of this world. Religion is a creation of man not God.

Answer #4

Ignorance…not all are ignorant dear. Seriously. Even those who do those things are not ignorant of their consequences. The rush of danger adds to the thrill.

To answer your question about why it’s getting worse…because God said so, that’s why. There is a reason everyone is facinated with bible prophecy nowadays… God said, and I quote, “the knowlege of him” meaning man “will grow before the end of days” As people have learned more of science and philosophy, they have fallen further from God. It will take a strong reminder to make them understand that God is still here.

Rather than make a scene about it, we as Christians must watch and pray, and if someone asks us what it is that makes us joyful, even in the worst of times we tell them that we know who is with us, who is coming soon to take us home.

Do not fret about those who mock, for to suffer for Christ is gain according to Paul. Lean on God, and not on your own knowledge. The best way to help is to love people into the kingdom. Post your thoughts and advise for anyone searching and leave the rest to God, for He knows their hearts.

As for adultery and sex out of wedlock, you heard it already, and it’s true. That has been a sin around for a very long time. Also, rape, murder, theft…I could go on but you know the list. Maybe the simplist answer to that is that as the population and the technology have grown so have the crimes against each other. There is much that could be said about that, but suffice it to say that while you should be reaching out to those who question you about Him, there is a good reason for what is going on.

If you have any more questions about it pm me.

Answer #5

nelly, let me tell you that as the coming of jesus is sooner, the devil is angry and wants to take the most people he can. also the modern cultures have forgotten principles like; get married first, be respectful, etc. the point is to not forget who we are and where we going.

Answer #6

What is going on around here lately. There is nothing wrong with sex before marriage. The only thing that is wrong, is if people are not responsible with their behavior (ie using birth control, using protection against STDs) . The bottom line is, mind your own freakin business. What people do behind closed doors is none of your business. Just worry about yourself.

And you have the balls to call others ignorant.

Answer #7

true true “geee” . there is a difference in religion and in what we believe. we don’t have to belong to a religion. so what would you consider us who are of religion? ignorant??? make a better point than that but sure am just saying!lol..

Answer #8

sex before marriage isnt necissarily unacceptable though adultury is something I find disgusting it destroys lives. I think that people like to take all the good things that happen as their own effort but the bad things as evidence god doesnt exist its silly that people deny it because I found religion myself. I looked at all the beautiful things in the world and realised that no coincidence brought this world together.

Answer #9

Sex before/outside marriage is nothing new. This has been going on for all of recorded history. But it’s only in recent times that it’s become acceptable for pop culture to reflect what’s really going on rather than promoting an ascetic preacher’s Pleasantville fantasy world.

Answer #10

Nelly, There is nothing new about fornication and adultery. Debauchery has existed throughout the history of mankind. Unfortunately not everyone values virtue like you appear to. “For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit” (Romans 8:5).

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