Why do people hate anyone who isnt 'normal'?

seriously why is it when you walk down the street people start shouting at people just because they aint wearing trachie bottoms… or just because they are wearing dark makeup… seriously… whats up with the world these days? whats everyone elses opinion on this? Angel x x

Answer #1

People are scared of what they dont know or understand.

Trust me…I am an expert of this subject.

I was born with a birthmark on my face that required 13 plastic surgeries and skin grafts. The last two operations at 10 years old almost killed me and I refused to have anymore. I was left with a very large scar on my face.

People stare, they talk about me like I cant hear or understand them, some people assume that because there is something wrong with my outside that my brain must not be in working order. They point me out to their friends or family, they ask rude questions. It doesnt stop.

To add to that..I work with disabled people. So here I am..”Scarface” out with a bunch of “retarded” people.

Needless to say…I am used to the stares and comments.

People are just stupid, thoughtless and rude. No one taught them any better.

Then there are some who think they will feel better about themselves if they find someone else to put down. That never works because they are miserable inside and hurting someone else isnt going to help that.

Answer #2

its a pack mentallity, people attack otheres that choose not to follow what they like or beleve in,they see it as scary and irrational but whatpeople dont get isthe fact that differences is what made this country great it what made life how itis and the advancements.

if itwasent for great people like you who are different and true to themselves we wouldent have many things we have now.

be proud and keep your head up kiddo.

Answer #3

Well people don’t look passed difrencess and really there is no way to stop it but all you gatta do is ignore it… People look at others that hvae things wrong whit them but they don’t see themselfs… Also because you know… the best thing to do is when they think of one thing wrong whit yu have think the million things that is wrong whit them..


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