Why do no boys like me?

Well I am 13 and in my school kids have already had sex had there first kiss they have done this and have done that. But I have not evan had a boyfriend yet Every one in my school know me as the tall stupied 9but dos ok in school) loud blue eyed bloned haired cheerleader but the guys go for the brown haired loud sort girls and I do not get why no one likes me like is it because I am tall I am blond cas I wear the same close as all the other girls and I take showers every day I brush my teeth and I wear make up what do I need to do can some one help me get a guy to ask me out that when I say oh I am going out with … My friends do not go ewww really he is hit or he is so weird can some plzzz help

Answer #1

I have almost the same problem as you,but I don’t want to get into sex until im older.Im the same age as you also.I say don’t be like everyone else. Be spontanious! And be confident. //.^

Answer #2

I would drop the whole issue and focus on school if I were you. You are WAY too young to get involved in sex. Just watch - I bet some of your promiscuous “friends” will end up pregnant and diseased by the time they are 15. Having sex just to do it is NOT cool. You can get very sick - you could even get AIDS. Would you rather be made fun of for having straight A’s or for having The Clap? I think you should definitely talk to your parents (or guardians - whoever takes care of you) about this and let them know exactly how you feel and what you are thinking. You may think your parents just nag you to keep you from having fun, but believe me they aren’t. They love you and care about you and want you to be safe. PLEASE abstain from sex until you are older and can understand it. Sex is meant for mature people who love one another - NOT kids who think they will be seen as ‘cool’ by degrading themselves. I wish you good luck with this and hope you confide in your parents - they are the best source of life advice you will ever find. I know my Dad has been the best source of advice for me.

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