Why do my qestions change?

When I 1st write them out they say what I wont, then the words seem to change?

Answer #1

Yup we change them so they make sense.

Like for example, here, you spelled “question” wrong in the title.

I would edit it and fix that.

Maxypoo, feel free to message me if you feel that my titles don’t match your question. I’d be happy to discuss it with you.

Answer #2

Dear xxelliexx, Some times I sneak in there and change the f-bombs. They really aren’t necessary and can even take the seriousness away from a question. Sue…good luck

Answer #3

the editor changes them… soemtimes its a good thing and soetimes not. Most of the time they change my questions and then it doesnt make sense anymore?

Answer #4

I have Dislacsia so yes my speeling isn’t very good. Howevr somtiumes you change the meaning I wont my qestion to say. Which is very aynnoying.

Answer #5

Yeah happens to me too. I think sometimes they are edited so that they fully define the question which you have asked.

Answer #6

If you’re talking about the title, we change them if it isnt actually a question…

Answer #7

no clue. maybe you have a virus on your computer.

Answer #8

I think advisors randomly edit them sometimes, happens to me too

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