Why do most girls now, tend to act slutty?

It’s just not right. Why do most girls act so slutty? Is it the media that is making the girls believe that dressing and acting that way is appropiate(grr! Spelling error>_<) or something? For example, in my eyes, those little toys that little girls play with, the “Bratz” teach the girls to dress in a sort of slutty way, and give them unrealistic images(being skinny as f*). And then,guys, also influence them into dressing/acting that way.Guys(some of them, not all of them), when they see that hot slutty girl, they drool over her, and other girls see this and notice that it could be a fast way to catch the attention of the guy they like and then, they act slutty. I should stop now, cause I feel I can go through ever single concept of this and not let any of you talk…>.>

Answer #1

its the media that the first thing to blame sex is used to sell everything its all over the tv, in movies, in magazines celebrities are pressured to stay thin and wear revealing clothing and models are also unrealistic and unhealthy because of all this, even kids toys like barbies and bratz dolls are dressed like slts, bratz even made baby dolls covered in make-up with short skirts/fishnets and bras on and today lingerie, high heels and bikinies and also made for toddlers and children baby/child beauty pagents just add fuel to the fire by dressing babies and children in slutty clothes, with layers of make-up spray tan and other accessories and guys are visual creatures to a lot of them, dolled up revealing girls look hot sure they drool and gawk even though most of those boys and men wouldnt acually want to be th one of them in a ralationship because generally someone who looks like a prostitute doesnt really have what it takes as girlfreind materal as there all vain, and not many people want to spend half there life waiting for soemone to get ready and the other half bothered by the fact that everyone else is constantly thinking of having sex wth there partner they look because they want what they cant have they just want sex they dont generally want a relationship with the girls so if girls out there are thinking of turnng into a slt to win over a guy, thats not going to work but yes, the media is to blame unfortunantly we cant blame guys for looking at something or thinking someone is hot and after all, girls do it too but we can blame the media because the whole sex sells thing has gone WAY to far and its only going to get worse

Answer #2

I notice this too and it make me sick to my stomach there are soo mant sluts at my school and I am soo tired of it and the girls who act slutty and get the attention guys just want to have sex with them then move on to the next slut

Answer #3

uumm… most girls act like that because they want sex. Most girls who do that, have no self-asteam. All they want is sex. And they are acting desperate. And they think that they have to look like that to get sex. Trust me im 13, this is all over my school.

Answer #4

dangerousdestiny I wouldnt say that the girls want sex they think thats the only way guys will like them and even though there wrong they keep doing it all my fam is sluts except me because I think its stupid and gross but anyway I see how they act everyday and they tell me why they do certain things with guys. one of my cuzs doesnt have sex with them but shell give bjs and hjs and she thinks just because she hasent had sex means shes not a slut but I dont think you can blame media or guys most girls in my fam are like this because thats how they were taught to act to get guys

Answer #5

trust me im 13 thats funny but after talking to my 12 year old sis i do believe you and i think young girls know to much nowadays

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