Why do I pull away before I orgasm?

I have been dating a guy for 5 months now and I recently lost my virginity to him. I love him completely and am totally comfortable with him. We’ve only had sx a couple times but whenever I get close to an orgasm (whether it be while were having sx or when he’s fingering me), it feels so intense that I pull away. He gets really frusterated and I dont know why I’m doing it. Do I just need to push through it?

Answer #1

dont let it scare u jus dont think about it and let it happen …ur lucky to be able to orgasm i still have no luck with tat wit my bf …pls tell me ur secret * note: im still a virgin meaning i did not have a pens inside me i got fingered a couple of times though and eaten out LOL

Answer #2

You know, there are a lot of females who just cannot reach the org@sm. I think you should appreciate that if you can. So when the feeleing is more and more intense then you should rather scream than pull away, even if you swoon for a while. Some sensitive girls do it.

Answer #3

before you orga*sm,Youll probably feel like you have to pee. You probably pull away because you feel like your going to pee. or because it feels uncomfortable,right?

idunno,Im kinda talking through my a*s,sorry..


Answer #4

ok well. it sorta means your scared cuz u prolly dont know wat will happen rite?…but just go full on with the orgasm and you’ll see thats its delightful

Answer #5

push through it, its amazing to see the end result. i used to be like that too but dont worry that habbit will stop :)

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