Why do I still love you ?

why do I still love you? I was with this lad for 10 an half months an we broke up on 3rd of novemeber I still love him an cant get him out of my head I’ve tried to move got new boyfriends but they didnt feel right so they ended .. how can I forget him ? an tomorrow he is taking my mum out for a drink because they get on really well am my mum has been down recently.. its bad enough talking to him let alone seeing him ? he still wants to be mates but I will never get off him he we are !1 and he has a got a new girlfriend :’( HELP ME ANYBODY AND EVERYBODY !!

Answer #1

Jumping into a new realationship never helped me, you just always hurt yourself, you the other person. Honestly, it just takes tons and tons of time, ice cream, and some amazing friends. If it get really bad, maybe seeing someone you can talk to. Just think, he lost you, not the other way around.

I’m sorry. I know it’s so hard.

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