Why do I still love him ?

Last night me and my boyfriend had a fight about the friends that I have , he never wanted me to talk to boys he hated it , so he always askes if I do talk to boys and I always say no because I dont , but the last night he asked me I said yes , because I was so mad that he dont trust me . So he began saying bad stuff to me like “ I hope you would die , f**k you , what a bitch “ So then we broke up , why do I still love him after all what he said ? I feel that its stupid but its real I need help in here !!! Btw im 14 and he is 15 .

Answer #1

It’s normal to feel sad and depressed and that you love the person after any relationship, bad or good. The thing is that you need to realise that this too shall pass and keep reminding yourself that he treated you like dirt. You can do better and do not need a guy that wants to control your life and don’t trust you.

So take a break from talking to him, delete his number and ignore him. You’ll see eventually things will get better and you’ll have learned from the experience.

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