Why do I miss him :(

I miss my ex sometimes even though he dumped me. But the reason I think is that his best mate still talks 2 me on msn about him and I act like I dont care at all and I have moved on, but when some girl hit me he was the first person 2 ring me and I turned around and said 2 his mate why did he ring me? and he just said he really want to talk to you. I have not spoke 2 him in 3 weeks and he thinks I have moved on. I do think about him sometimes but his mate found out I am going the cinema 2moz with a lad and he sent me a link 2 the first film me and my ex watched :( and I just cryed his mate keeps sayin how are you and these lads and I will be like we are fine:) I act as if everythin is fine but I know its not :( I have changed since me and my ex have spilt up 4 the best I just want 2 show him that but I am scared 2 do it. when I last saw him he keep starin at me what is that meant 2 mean?I dont think you can just stop lovin someone I just wish he would realises what was infront of him. me and him cant be mates we never can, I asked him why he blocked me on msn and he turned around and said because I deleted his number he deleted my msn

please help me xx

Answer #1

He sounds like maybe he misses you and is trying to get his friend to talk to you so you’ll miss him back… If things are better now, even if you miss him, hold strong and just stop talking to his best friend… I know it’s hard to move on, but sometimes it is necessary…

Answer #2

well you m iss him because he is familiar…he is waht you know and the last thing you knew

Answer #3

It’s so hard and sounds like he is playing games. I recently had to let my ex go caus he was not good for me and then he tried to blame me for the whole thing so that sounds like what he is doing - remember he decided to break up - when he sees you happy and moved on he wants you but if you got back together he would just do it again. And its true, you really need to cut contact with the friend and just try to stop talking about him to people - it’ll b the hardest thing to do but is essential. I feel like I am totally obsessing over my ex so am not 100% sure how you stop thinking about someone??? or how long it takes???

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