Why do I feel like this?

Okayy so I’ve liked this guy for a while.. Hes really sweet to me. but now hes like a total J.A. we’ve said I love you to each other. & it means a lot to me when we say it. yesterday he said he hated me. & we never talked after that. I keep telling myself I hate him & I dont wanna see him. but I keep going baqq to him. wht should I do? leave him? or stayy?

Answer #1

I’ve totally been in this situation. and I think that when you tell that person you love them and you really mean , when they say they hate you is not something to joke about. I know that must have hurt. what I did when this happened to me was I tried to make myself believe that he never existed. of course he will be the only thing on your mind. but I mean I deleted him on website (a social site, a social site) I deleted him on my phone. if I walked by him at school I pretended that he wasnt there because if you keep going back to him it will only hurt more and more. ! also I know this might sound bad but just talking to another guy for a while really might help you get over him.

Answer #2

im in the same exact situation. guys like that are tools. just move on. a guy told me that he loved me (obviously he didnt mean it) an now he wont even talk to me.

Answer #3

the same happened to me but he never sed he hates me but somtimes he acts like he does..we also live in 2 different towns and goes to 2 different schools..ill have to ask this same question…should I stay with him or leave?

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