Why do I feel like this?

Anyways.. My boyfriend and I have been together for four years next week. But lately, he hasnt made me feel special. He only does so when I asked him to hug and kiss me and other things. I’ve spoken to him about this, he told me that he doesnt want to get bored of our relationship cause we practically see eachother everyday. but im getting bored of what hes doing. On the other hand, theres this guy that I think I adore. I never talked to him but when he catches me staring at him, he smiles and he makes me blush. I havent felt this way, liking a guy, but I love my boyfriend to death.

Am I cheating? What do I do?

Answer #1

You need to decide whether your inlove with your boyfriend . Theres a difference between loving someone and being inlove with them. A boyfriend shouldnt have to be told to hug you and kiss you. It doesnt matter how long you have been together. For just a simple hug and kiss is expressing that he is inlove with you. Maybe your relationship has become sort of a safety net for both. Since you are 18-19 and became boyfriend&girlfriend when you were only 14-15.
You need to be with other guys & him with other girls. For this is the only relationship you have known. So how do you know he is the one if you havent been with anyone else? Those feelings you are having for that other guy is how you should feel for your boyfriend. And since you dont. I recommend that>>> You ask your boyfriend for a break were you both go out with other people. Like that guy your crushing on would be a good start. Btw your not cheating and by asking for that break you wont feel guilty when you explore your feelings for that other guy.

Answer #2

Thanks for your advices ^_^ I really appreciate it. But I dont want to break up or even be in a break with him my boyfriend. I do not think that its the answer cause I know that it’ll hurt me and him. I just want him to change and just be his old self. The one I fell in love with. I hes still there.

Answer #3

I like what the other person wrote but remember guys can be sensitive and confused as to what your getting at buy asking for a break. So be clear that it is just a break and not a permanet break-up. So ya Good luck

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