Why do I feel like this?

I’ve been madly in love with this guy (same for him… don’t tell me I’m to young because I don’t need that.) and we finally started going out. well I thought I would be SO happy to be with him, I thought it would make life worth living and make everything ok in my life. whenever I’m with him I am so happy and when I’m not I am SO depressed. I really need him and I know it’s the same for him. but I feel like something is missing, though I don’t know what. I should be happier… why do I feel like this isn’t all I thought it would be?

Answer #1

You will feel better in time,everyone feels the same way with there first love.Things could be worse,you could be in a wheel chair for life as I am.

Answer #2

Well… this is the same with my boyfriend and I.. but were a long distance relationship while he’s away at school… we figure it’s cause we miss eachother..

Answer #3

In all relationships, you should never expect a boyfriend to provide you “with a life”, enmotionally-that’s unrealistic and unfair to him because it’s not his job to do so. Before you take on a partner, you should already have a meaningful life of your own, in place. Have less expectations of others and more expectations” for yourself and never use relationships as a substitute for fullfillment & inner happiness. You should have that in place before entering into any love relationships.

Answer #4

but I never had a lot of expectations for him. I was already SO SO SO happy with him and I loved everything about him. and I just expected things to stay like that. I know we would have fights but that’s just life. and it couldn’t be first love because this is more like second love. my first love was killed… (same for him.) in all honesty I did have a really important life before him. I’m always is control I had a lot going on. but then he came and he seemed to cloud out everything else. it’s like hes the only thing that matters anymore. like I really need him to keep going. like life support. I don’t know what I would do without him. but I know he’s the same. he really needs me for personal reasons. UGH!!! SO STRESSFUL!!! any suggestions on how I can make things good and complete again?

Answer #5

Your life should ALWAYS be worth livig, with or with out this or any boy. Dont let anyone dictate your life.

Answer #6

maybe it’s because you had high expectations that were unrealistic. try to accept things as they are and not have expectatoins

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