Why do I feel gulity??

ok so I like this guy and I got his number from this other guy that my brothers friends with. Their older than me MUCH older and when I got both of their numbers I said that their hot and now they know I sent it to them. I said other stuff too thats weird. whenever I see them I feel gulity because they know I like them. I always feel so stupid and I feel like im gonna cry. please give me addvice. if you were them what would you think of the text or when you saw me

Answer #1

I agree with Butterfly, I think it is more of a compliment to them, than it is anything. Don’t worry about it, even the most troubling situations, (which this shouldn’t be) have a way of working themselves out!

Answer #2

ummm… it depends how OLD you are and how much OLDER they are… if they’re about like 5 years older than you, say you’re 13 and they’er 18-19. They’re most likly to shrug it off. They’ll probably talk about it, but if they don’t personnaly know you, they won’t bring it up to you directly - probably cause it’s as akward feeling to you as it is to them. don’t woryy about it, I went through the same thing when I was like 12, the guy and I have like a little sis/big bro relation now - and he’s never brought up the stupid incident of my friend telling him that I “loved” him! calm down, there’s not need for tears. trust! :)

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