Why do I always do this

When I have a good person in my life thats actly likes me I always find a way to fck it up and im tried of it Like this boy I have been talkin to he says I love you bt I alwys say he dont when he douse bt I do say love you back bt I dont no why I fck everything up Help please Thank you

Answer #1

So the solution to what westfort just said… well thats simple yet complicated, it all has to do with yourself. Improve yourself so that you are proud of who you are, and happy with things! make it so that you feel you are worthy of them! maybe even letting him know that you push him away sometimes, will help him understand you more. if you ever need to talk to someone just fun mail me

Answer #2

Self destruction, I know what your going through, I find when I get close to someone I seem to push them away the most, like deep down im not good enough for what I have or I have to get them before they get me kind of thing, its frustrating not being able to let your guard down and truly let people in .

Answer #3

I know exactly what you mean , im the same way to my boyfriend of three years and weve been on and off for 10, Im scared to completely let my guard at the risk that I could get hurt, I almost feel numb to situations and it so hard to say yeah I do care but I just dont know how to show it.

Answer #4

yh I already have trust issuse bt I love him bt I dotn show my emition round people bt him I do bt I dont get to close the last person I did broke my heart so I dont let people in and its annyoing

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