Why do guys think tomboys are hot?

Hi, Im Courtney. Im a total tomboy and I have always been. And I do have a boyfriend. Anyways all my guy friends say that tomboys are hot and all that. But I dont understand wy?

Answer #1

im a major tomboy and all my friends are guys lol and all they think of me is one of the guys so I don’t know it just depends on who you r

Answer #2

Some guys like girly girls better bc they are preppy and usually easy and that is just what guys like. Others like tomboys bc they will have more in common in regards to riding fourwheelers or big trucks or hunting or sports or whatever. So it really just depends on the guy…

Answer #3

for me its because a girl who is tomboyish has a more assertive attitude and will say what they want more than a, forgive the term, ‘girly girl’ would. its also easier for me to talk to a girl who talks more like I guy does. I find myself attracted to girls who love sports and I really could care less about sports.

its completely a matter of preference.

Answer #4

tomboys are hot.

Answer #5

I think its personal preference. I don’t find tomboys attractive.

Answer #6

it is because more guts will have better things to talk about. some girly girls are stuck up biitches. so tomboy is ok haha but its more about your personality

Answer #7

this is why guys love tomboys…girly girls are weak in a sense so being a guy we find it really easy to over power them with our male assertiveness…tomboys like males love to compete…sports, trash talking,SEX. Us guys find that attractive. Tomboys also are better able to understand us

Answer #8

they dont

Answer #9

I think there hot :) I hate girly girls

Answer #10

not all guys think there hot its all up to personal preferance for the ones that do, its probably because they can relate to and have fun with tomboys more than girly girls they probably couldnt play footy, crack lame jokes, play video games ect with girly girls

Answer #11

Most the guys in my school think they are.

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