why do guys say...

why do guys say they love you when you’ve been dating like a day? it drives me crazy. like when you are about to leave he hugs you and then says “I love you” why do they do that?

Answer #1

so you guys just want to hold on to the girl you say it to?

Answer #2

I have never said I love you to anyone other then my friends and family. but I wont say it till we have been dating for atleast 13 days or 25.

Answer #3

Most of the time it is because we are taught that is what a girl wants to hear and we are not just trying to get into her pants. And somtimes because the guy as abandoment issues and desperately trying to latch on to anything that comes along. It is good , that you treat the word love with the seriousness and respect it deserves, it is to widely just thrown around in the world today. I.E. “I love you man”, I love that. God is love and their no stronger spirit, than the spirit of love. Blessings, Christianwalk

Answer #4

you’re questioning why a guy shows you affection?

maybe cause he likes you and its the normal way of saying it? would you rather he hugged you and shouted; “ I HOPE YOU DIE IN A FIRE!!!”?

just curious.

Answer #5

I feel you I mean after one day come on you cannot be in love or love someone in a day I am sorry to say that but IT DRIVES ME INSANE :)

Answer #6

my boyfriend told me that he loves me the second day…we have now been dating for 8 months and are very happy…so I dont know.. it usually bothers me but when he did it…I loved it…

Answer #7

you see dylan(my boyfriend) told me that he loved me on the 2nd day and I thought we were moving to fast but after he said it “I melted” I’ve never felt this way before and im glad that he’s mine and im his he is absolutely amazing and I dont know what would happen if I LOST him he is my EVERYTHING…

Answer #8

…for the same reason that girls do it… they don’t really know what love is, they’re too naive, and they use the term far too casually.

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