Why do guys say they love you if they don't mean it?

why do guys that say they love you just all of a sudden stop talking to you. and you miss them so much. but they never come back around do they? they just ignore you. give you mixed emotions and fell like your heart is bleeding…why zach why is that?

Answer #1

well i think it cause there hiding something.because i love you is a lie from 99% of men. if you get one that does your lucky. i think they do that to you cause they just dont care cause they think there so hot they can get away with anything. so zach .WHAT DO YOU THINK!~

Answer #2

Good thing ^ that person isn’t shallow.

It sounds like a maturity problem. Sometimes guys DO say I love you only to create a false sense of security between himself and his girlfriend. And other times, they meant it with their whole heart. But yeah, it sounds like this guy is a real asshole. Guys like that aren’t ready to handle relationships. Just move on!

Answer #3

Guys like more action then girls, so where girls would like to talk longer boy would like to do some sport or play a game guys have different interests than girls so when a girl is talking it isn’t very exiting to the boy( also depens on personality). Be yourself guys always like hot girls, infact they wouldn’t mind being around them all day without saying a word.

Answer #4

Saves time. They have to get that toupe or car souped up in time for the next round of whatever is circulating between crotch and eyeballs. Oh yes, hormone surges. 99.9 % is correct for sincerity. Men are by nature, bed hoppers. Considering STD’s it’s wonder the human race is still in existence. Ah, thank you God for at 01% sincere guy out there.

Answer #5

I can’t really answer that because I’ve never did that to a girl…

Answer #6

oh come on guys.. theres more than 1% of sincere guys…

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