why do guys do this??

act tough around there friends andgirlfriends I dont get it I mean its like freaking gay as ever!!!

help me I have no clue

Answer #1

because most guys are afraid that they will get laughed at or there just embarassed because they know they act diffrently

Answer #2

Guys have many similarities as girls do. It’s all a confidence thing. When girls are lacking in confidence, they try everyting to be what they believe the guy expects them to be. They try and show them that they are interested in the things that guys are interested in. Or women constently ask if they are pretty, (not necessarilly in the sense of saying “do you think I’m pretty?”), but in the sense of puting themselves down, just to hear if the guy cares and tells her that she’s pretty.

The guy wants to show that he can be the man. So he does all the stupid things we guys tend to do. Which is show off or try to look tough. Or try and be smarter then we really are. It’s ALL confidence.

You know what I like? NATURAL people. Those who have nothing to prove. Like standing there and not trying to flex there muscles whenever a girl walks by. Or when women try post pctures of themselves in there underwear in hopes that guys will like them more.

So please people, put on your clothes, stop sucking in the gut, and give yourself a little self respect and just be natural.

Answer #3

yeah I agree and lets face it guys are…well they are dumb…they think girls are impressed by “machoness”

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