Why do guys miss the toilet?

Why do guys put the Toilet seat up when They pee? And never Put it back down? And why do Some not flush it When they are done? Makes me very angry

Answer #1

I grew up with 4 older brothers…and now live with 7 guy friends…trust me, If I knew, I would tell you…but I still have that to figure out for myself Haha.

The only thing that really bugs me is that they piss on the seat and all my roomates poop with the bathroom door open…they aren’t shy at all. Plus, everytime I buy air freshener so I don’t have to smell anything they did in there…they take it and blow flames out of the bottle with a lighter :( That stuff isn’t cheap lol

Answer #2

That drives me nuts, my dad does it ALL the time. I have even walked him into the washroom tons of times to show him what the handle on the back of the toilet does, lol, didn’t work. Ew, or when they miss the toilet seat and there is pee on it, DISGUSTING. :o

Answer #3

They probably just forget. ..or is too lazy. Idunno, one of them.

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