Could I be pregnant?

I’m new here and I had a question I needed to see if anyone knew the answer to.

I hadn’t had my period for over a month. I felt nauseous and tired a lot. All the sudden after all that time, I started. On that day I had sex, and then that night I started bleeding. But not like normal it was light and pink not dark and heavy like I have it. Could I be pregnant??

Answer #1

I had my period like i told you guys brfr and instead of i being a week long like it usually is. This time it was only 4 dayslong but like i said before it was pink andlight. I didnt even have to worry about staining my pants like i usually do. So do i still have to worry about it? The first time i wrote on here i was on my period for the 2nd dayandit was a little like i saidon my 1st question. i dont know wat to do. But i am goning to take you guys advice and take a test. Becaue usually when im on my period i have to et pads and always worry about haveing stains on my pants but this time i didnt have any of that. I didnt even have to carry pads around with me at all. I didnt have none of that at all. so yea i am gettin scared now cuz if i take the test and it comes out positive i dont know wat im gonna do! but yes i am gonna take the test and find out first and then worry!

Answer #2

well no im not throwin up. thats the thing thats why i was asking for advice. i get really dizzy all the sudden and feel like everything is about to come up. but i never throw up at all. i havent thrown up at all. i just feel like that. ad this usually happens in the morning time and not everyday either. Wat got me scared is that it happpened the way it happened. That i didnt get my period for a month then there it is from one day to the next, but its just a lil like i said before.And i really dnt have any simptioms of a pregnate girl either just wat i put above. hen i read how some girls dont have any simptoms at all. so i just have been confused about it and dont know wat to do. of course i dont want to tell my mom and have her freak out and take me t the doctor and everything and it just be normal. Then my mom would be very disapointed in me and not look at me the same way anymore.She is a very strickt person that dosent belive any1 should be haveing sexual intercourse untill they are married. So please tell me wat you guys think.

Answer #3

you might be,

is your chest tender, is your stomach tender, throwing up weird cravings

ask yourself those.

then your best bet is a pregnancy test.

Answer #4

You might be pregnant. Buy a home pregnancy test kit they are very accurate and that way you will be sure.

Answer #5

yes ,you possibly could be pregnant.are you throwing up?that could be another sign

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