Why did they vote Republican ?

I’m an Independent and I have a question: After the Mass. election, Obama stated the loss was a result of the people being mad at Washington, also citing the 8 Bush years…If that were indeed the case..Bush years, Why would they vote…Republican ?

Answer #1

Capitalism and free markets are the only road to economic properity! lol. Government can only create jobs with taxes collected from people and businesses who earn wages in the private sector.

freefromself, your myopic view that the road to economic recovery can only be achieved via capitalism is very naive, but quite typical of the right. It is unregulated capitalism that got us where we are. You talk of taxes as if they are evil, yet you have no problem paying inflated prices for goods and services that just go to CEOs and stockholders in the way of obscene profit and bonuses. And remember, it was that evil, tax-imposing government that baiedl them out when their greed caught up to them. And they still haven’t learned.

Capitalism is necessary, but so is government to keep it in check. Otherwise we get what we have now, which is a misinformed populace that keeps voting against its own self-interest..

Answer #2


Answer #3

Obviously, Obama is wrong. He’s not going to openly admit that the piece-o-crap “buy insurance or go to jail” plan they tried to ramrod through is not popular after all.

Answer #4

Because people understand that the Democrats do not have all the answers and are not being honest.

Answer #5

oh golly gee…I just hate that you don’t compliment my answers…

Answer #6

Utopia , I Love ya but that is a very dim view. This attitude from the left is why you guys always lose power.. . Now listen to this: Capitalism and free markets are the only road to economic properity! lol. Government can only create jobs with taxes collected from people and businesses who earn wages in the private sector. You act as though Government can create it’s own wealth. Goverment is a necessary burden. It is not a means to generate wealth. Can government sustain itself with out a free market? Even China has figured this out. So, keep up the good work.

Answer #7

filletofspam, thank you for an adult/reasoned/respectful answer.

Answer #8

Ok…Started with Bush…Obama said ‘change, a new way of doing business in Washington’…yet CONTINUED the very same ‘debt run-up’ as Bush, only outdistancing his numbers by Trillions !…that’s a Fact…now, who has those ‘BLINDERS’ on ?

Answer #9

The interesting thing is that according to polls most of the people who voted for Brown wanted health care reform but their vote effectively killed it.

The meaning best I can divine it is that Independents no longer have confidence in Democrats ability to legislate or lead. It also seems that Martha Coakley felt invincible and did not consider Brown strong enough a challenger for her to have to campaign hard.

Answer #10

Many conservatives blame the current economic condition on Obama and the conservative stations, mainly FOX, drive it home. They fail to recognize that the Bush years were an economic horror and that this all started during the Reagan administration. So…when you wear blinders and blame the current administration for all that it wrong, you go the opposite…thus voting republican.

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