why did they kept on staring at me??

well the friends of my crushh well my crush is in 8th grade and ALL 8th graders went to this trip except for 2 8th graders.the two of them happen to be friends of my crush.well one of them IS MEGA EXTRA SUPER DUPER BEST FRIENDS with my crush for real.anyways the best friend KEPT ON STARING AT ME ALL DAY!!! then me & the other one started fighting until he told me”OMG!! why doesnt(my crush) just tell her he likes her” & the best friend of my crush was like “dude SHUT UP!!!” I was like WTF?? hes the second one that says that my crush likes me on “accident”. why did you think my crush’s best friend kept on staring at me & said nothing? help? btw theres only TWO MORE WEEKS OF SCHOOL AND I REALLYLIKE MY CRUSH!! and he will be in high school next year!! help?

Answer #1

Well, I’ve always heard when you try really hard to impress somebody you end up impressing someone else. You should ask out your crush but if he says no then just agree to be just friends. If you think you may like his friend or have a shot at getting him than you should definatly consider asking him out instead. I know how you feel, I can’t get guys off of me. I think I’m magnetic or something. lol

Answer #2

they like you ;P

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