Why did she sleep with him?

~~I’ve been hanging out with this cute girl from work and everything’s been going great. She’s smart, funny, beautiful, and just fun to be around. She’s also extremely shy and soft-spoken and nervous in social situations. This is no problem, we move slowly and I don’t pressure her to do anything she’s uncomfortable with.

~~The thing is, though… she confessed to me that about two months ago, before we were even talking, that she had a one-night stand with another guy from work. She seems like she really regrets it but I have no experience with these things, so I can’t be sure.

~~Should I trust her? How should I act at work around them?

My heart is breaking apart in my chest. Why?

Answer #1

It shouldnt really concern you to be honest you werent even talking back then, loves a very powerful emotion and is heavily linked to territoriality, you feel as though the other person belongs to you almost, its the same with women too. I guess you just feel that you and her are right for each other and you dont like the idea of someone else being in with a shot with her.

Answer #2

yes, I think you should be able to trust her I mean she did tell you. but everyone makes mistakes if you really like her you should be able to look past this;)

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