Why did she say no?

Well I’ve known a girl for more than 5 years now and we hung out all the time every day up until 7th grade…we still spent time together…as much to seem like we we’re dating but we weren’t. So I have loved this girl with all my heart for 2 years and just got the courage to ask her to the movies but just as a friend so I dont come on too fast She said…”well we’ve known each other a long time and I like you too and I know you like me more than just friends, but maybe some other time b/c she is going to alabama for spring break. Do you think she likes me?

Answer #1

Superfresh, I dont want to start anything, but the girl didnt say she wanted to be more than friends. She said, “I know YOU like me more than just friends”. Just wanted to clarify that.

I personally think the opposite. I have tons of guy friends, a lot of them since middle school, and could never date any of them. We have been friends for so long, that I only see them as just a friend, not someone I could ever have an intimate relationship with, besides I’m just not physically attracted to any of them. They just make great friends. Guys make great friends…period! I’ve been where your (girl) friend has been many times. I was honest with my feelings to my guy friends, and hoped they wouldnt think bad of me, and they have all been really mature about it, and we continue to be friends. Every now & then they keep trying to ask me out, and confess their feelings, but I just kind of make a joke about it, and leave it at that.

I really think she only wants to remain friends with you, and told you maybe some other time just to be nice. Just keep being her friend, because you just never know.

Answer #2

I think she does like you. Seeing that there wont be enough time to hangout with her before she leaves. She likes you…just wait until she comes back.

Answer #3

She didn’t really say no, she postponed until she gets back. Talk to her because if she knows you like her she didnt tell you she didnt feel the same or told you she didnt see you as more than a friend. none of can reall tell you if she does or not.

Answer #4

That’s kind of hard to answer seeing that I don’t know her or anything. But I think that she thinks that she kind of wants to but is wondering what everyone will think about you two going out.

I think she’s a little too dramatic about her life and that’s why she’s holding off on a decision. So expect drama with this girl.

Answer #5

Ok, well yes she apparently stated she liked you as more than a friend.. and you need to wait till she gets back from alabama, so you can take it to the next level.. this is a good thing.. so don’t rush it… good luck! :]

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