Why did my old school tell me this?

At school I work and the school told me one time that I will not have a good life, no job and no house because im not good in school but I work a lot at home and school. At school I have 59% or sometimes I have 67% not a lot I know so oneday I ask the school if someone can help me and they said yes and I im happy you asked us and well in class no one help and so I asked and I had to go out of the class if I was not going to work I was working but she helps people in class but… Not me and I yell at her why she cant help me for 1min she said your just not good in school so why im I going to help you so I did the work and class was over and I think I did a good job I was happy about it but I have 57% for my work I ask why and the school said because I did not do the work and I ask for help if I did do the work it wud but 79% but no one helped me and I did do the work. And now I im going to I new school and have now friends and all. But all I can think about is me not being good in school and I hate myself so much. I im 14 and I hate school I think im not good or I im not good I dont know what do I do I work my as offf at my old school and I was not good what if the new school I work my as off and im not good!!! What do I do help me please someone.

Answer #1

nobody should ever tell you that or put you down, sometimes fathers tell their kids that to get them motivated but it does not work so teachers should not say that, you have to just keep trying and it will pay off if you think positive=)

Answer #2

approve me as your friend so I can funmail you advice…(its long) lol

Answer #3

Your old school sounds horrible. If you need help a teacher gets payed to make sure you get that help, not to sit on their but on day and hope they don’t have to teach that day. You go to school to learn so you can succeed in the futer, not to be told you will never get it any ways so why try. You will nver fail even if you dont pass. Because everything that you do that may seem the most horrible thing, only makes you stronger for the futer. Since these horrible teachers wont help you, I sujest you get a local or online tutor. My friends have online tutors and I go to a tutor in my town. I failed almost every subject but got the help I needed and I am still stugeling abit but my grades are slowley rising. I once and awhle get 80s but nver let those teachers waste your life telling you you are not good enough, or your life will be wasted to people like them.They are no way worth it so don’t listen to them because they are in no way right. Thousands of people struggle with school but try to get the help they need

Good Luck funmail me!!

Answer #4

Think POSITIVE about yourself - prove them WRONG…you can do it !!

Answer #5

I think that your old school is bad, its their job to help you improve you’re work not put you down, did you consolte your parents about it?

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