Why did michael jackson have bandages on his fingers?


Answer #1

oh yeah I read bout that disease, is that must also be the reason he bleached his skin, to even his skin colour

Answer #2

They weren’t bandages. It was one of his trademarks. Kind of like the sparkly glove.

Answer #3

^ No. Michael Jackson wore white tape on his finger tips because he had a skin disease called vitiligo which is the depigmentation of skin cells. In other words, his skin was become lighter in patches. The vitiligo first became visible on Michael’s finger tips, hence the white tape to cover the fact that his skin was patchy and miscoloured. The disease spread further and this was why he wore his infamous white, sequinned glove, to hide his disease. As it spread further up his arm, Micahel started to wear the white, long sleeved blouse.

Answer #4

It was his style :)

Answer #5

ure all full of shit he did it so police couldnt get his finger prints off the children fact

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