Why did I do it? What was I thinking?

Ok, I need help!! Quick! I had a period on October 1 and on October 31st. And everything was fine, but this month on November 17th me and my boyfriend had sex, unprotected. He didn’t cum in me and was nowhere near to ejaculating and it lasted 3 to 4 minutes, I told him to stop. But I do believe he did pre-cum…my period lasts for 7 days. And I should be starting my period soon, at the end of the week. But I am scared, I’ve been losing weight, but I haven’t been that hungry at all, I’ve been drinking green tea, I always do that though. But now I have white discharge…I haven’t been cramping or anything, my breasts don’t hurt, I have slept a lot but I do that a lot too, I did feel a little weak earlier. I get dizzy a little when I sit up too fast, but I don’t know what to do. Am I pregnant??? My boyfriend and friends say Im not and only stressed out. But I don’t know what to do!! HELP!!? PLEASEEE

Answer #1

calm down there is no devil. he is a figment of your imagination and a symbol for bad things humans have done.

you could be pregnant, but you also could not. the best thing to do right now is to go to the doctors and get a test, if its too early them wait. if you arent pregnant, them yay go you, but never have unprotacted sex again unless you want a baby. if you are pregnant, then you need to think seriously about this. god may intend for you to have a baby and this could be part fo your life plan. please dont kill your baby. even if it is not born or not, abortion is killing your child. the child didnt ask to be here, it didnt walk up to you and say hi be my mummy?, you made this, and just killing a human being that you brought here because you want a better life is selfish. this baby is one of gods beautiful creations. dont kill it.

Answer #2

But I have a future ahead of me, I’m not going to ruin it at an early age! I didn’t even want to have sex with him, he put pressure on me and made me feel bad! My mom already prayed for me and is believing that I’m not pregnant! I’m a christian and my EX was a pagan or patorian…I believed him when he said “ In my religion, we can’t wear condoms and I refuse to wear one, I know what they do to make them and what they use and blah blah blah…” I am not wasting my life on someone thats not even suppose to be the PRINCE that GOD has for me!? Its a trick of the devil and I was STUPID to even listen to him in the first place! It will never EVER happen again! And yes abortion is sad, but its also sad to fall into the tricks of the devil because the devil comes in to destroy anything and everything he can get his hands on, like a soul, an innocent person wanting to be someone and make her family proud! That’s what the devil does…And I’m not going to be one of his victims so he can have the praise and the glory to say “I’ve done it again!” No I don’t think so…Sorry to be harsh but Im a child of God and I’m never going to make that mistake again, EVER.

Answer #3

I dont know but if you are pregnant please don’t get an abortion. I mean really think of the poor life that will never get a chance. That is like murder to me. And I dont see how abortion is not against the law because unborn babies dont have human rights! I mean just because they arent fully grown yet that doesnt’ mean they are aliens are something. Just think about it. And think about if your mom got an abortion when she was prego with you. If I were an aborted baby, I would feel dissapointed and sad that my mother didn’t love me enough to at least put me up for adoption.

Answer #4

What if I started my period on October 1st too? And on October 31st? When would my ovulation be for November? I dont always have two periods in one month but sometimes I do, then its back to normal…? Did I miss my period if thats the case? And I dont have signs of pregnancy and no pain or anything. I still havent been eating much, my left nipple hurts but my right breast is fine and no pain at all…I still have whit discharge as well, but it feels like my period will start soon anyday now? Help.

Answer #5

I’m 18 and this was my first time having unprotected sex… I dont have the pregnant symptoms at all, and I feel fine now. But I do have discharge, I haven’t had my period yet because its not time for mine yet. My menstrual is 28 or 30 days.

Answer #6

Your jack-off boyfriend and his pals are whistling in the dark. No one can tell if you are pregnant at this stage. They are right about you stressing out though. That same stress can make you skip your period, too. So …

First - relax.

Next - 1 week after the expected time of your period, take a pregnancy test. You can get a free test at Planned Parenthood [P.P.], where you can also get free unbiased counseling on all options, whether or not you are pregnant.

If you are not pregnant, you may want to consider going on hormonal contraceptives. Or at least getting more condoms to keep on hand.

If you are pregnant, the sooner you find out, the more options you have, whether you want an abortion ($350-900) [source: P.P.] or bring it to term for adoption or raising.

Take care of yourself, and Good Luck!!

Answer #7

okay well first of all hunny.. why did you do it unprotected? I just think next time you need to think before you act… because honestly if you are asking this question it probably means you are too young and you shouldnt be having sex! Anyway I just think you should go buy a pregnancy test or just go to the doctor (if you have enough money) but there is a possibility you ARE pregnant… I hope I helped! and also I dont mean to be bossy but the same thing happend to my friend soo yaa! and she ended up getting pregnant! andd she was a highschool drop-out because she had to help the baby!


Answer #8

I take naps a lot though, even before I did it. And I’m not sleepy now. Im awake but I still have discharge. Im expecting my period on the 29th or 30th…maybe before that. My ovulation was on the 14th or 16th. Most fertile 11th -16th and if it was the 14th then the 9th-14th, but Im not sure… its either one but I do know that on the 14th it was stretchy like raw egg…and my boyfriend fingered me that day and sunday when he came over to my house which was the 15th it was just wet like water…sooo yea. what does that mean?

Answer #9

ya that’s usually is a sign when you notice you start taking naps at weird hours. Why don’t you buy a pregnancy test and see if you’re pregnant, usually it would tell if you’re pregnant or not. Meanwhile, if you have no funds whatsoever, I suggest you start eating healthy now. I’m going to be real here, you’ll need at least 500-600 bucks for abortion. I don’t think you should worry so much since you don’t know for sure yet. I had those worries many times but a week later I eventually get my period. So, if you don’t want this to happen again, you should be on birth control or use condom. Otherwise, it’s a game of chance.

Answer #10

This is not a worried point. But mor information on sa6398@gmail.com

Answer #11

Thanks so much!!

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