Why did he just turn his back on me?

I really don’t know where to begin, I’m so confused but also very upset!! I was dating this guy for 1.5 years, had known each other through friends from work. Things were cool in the beginning, seemed pretty cool and confident. Along the way I started noticing that he was jealous and insecure, didn’t want me talking or hanging out with guy friends… This really bugged me and made us have lots of fights and arguements. We’d get back together again and he’d say he was sorry and that he would work on himself. Sure, that was all I heard!!! I have always been a very outgoing person and enjoy talking to everyone, this of course bugged him and I would never hear the end of it. We’d get back together again and things would be good for a few days and then he’d find something else to fight over. This last time he came over my place and we hung out, he asked if he could spend the night…I told him yes, that I missed him too. We had sex and something didn’t feel right, he started saying things like “was your boyfriend at the gym today” “were you flirting with him” stupid stuff like this. So I decided that it would be best if I slept on couch, since I had to work in the am. He walked over to the living room and started yelling at me… Said that its bs that he came to spend time with me and I’m on couch. I told him to just go to sleep and that we shouldn’t be fighting… The next morning he got up gave me a kiss while I was getting ready for work… And haven’t heard from him since then. Btw, we txt, talked, emailed everyday… Deep down inside I know that the first couple days he expected me to call or txt, but I honestly feel like this wasn’t my fault!!! How can someone just be so rude and not say a word… Or at least txt to say that its not working out. This is what’s eating me up!!! How can he just walk away without saying a word…

Answer #1

He doesn’t sound like a good boyfriend anyway. Try not to get wrapped up In it and feel like a mean person.

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