Why did Fun Advice ban the bad word for blacks?

Why did Fun Advice banned the bad word for blacks? But not wigga or cracker or jap or white trash etc.

Answer #1

Those terms aren’t quite as popular as ‘’the and word’’. That’s just my guess - that it remains because it is less likely to be used and thus less likely to offend someone.

You couldn’t ban cracker because that would eliminate a lot of questions that actually have to do with that piece of food. White trash would be hard to do too because it’s so colloquial.

If, however, one of the admin or advisors sees a question or answer using that terminology (and we check that all the time), he or she can delete the question/answer for offensive behavior. A person spreading that around the site will also be disabled or deleted most likely because we don’t want anyone to feel offended around here. In short, no worries. If those terms come up, we’ll get rid of them and the person saying them.

On a side note, if you do ever see something offensive, hit ‘’Report abuse’’ so the admin know to take a look at the issue. They will respond accordingly.

Answer #2

We didn’t ban “houli” either…or however the Hawaiian slang is written for white folk ;) Or Gaijen, etc, etc - but enough Americans know that word or both and know they’re bad.

Exactly what is the value of allowing people to use that word? It’s a small thing…but, it helps to ensure that there is a tiny bit less percentage chance that people will post inflammatory content :)

Answer #3

I guess cause that word is bad

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