Why can't I have him?

Im in love with this guy and he told me that he loves me too but we cant be together cause he is going through some things and he dosnt want to mess up what we have and that he would rather come back to it when he had time to really give it his all but I dont understand why I cant go through what ever it is thats he is going through with him scince then we got into an arguement cause his my space page said that he was in a relationship but he said that his cousin ueses his page to and thats how it got there but he hasnt spoken to me scince and im torn up inside I dont know what to do I want to trust him but its hard for me and now im scared that I lost him forever ps by the way he’s a cancer please help me I dont want to loose him

Answer #1

Right now, this guy has said he’s not interested in having a relationship because he has to sort things out in his head. If you really care about him, you’ll put your wants aside for a moment, and respect his decision. It may be hard because you love him, but it’s what he wants, and you need to respect that.

Having said that, you shouldn’t have to wait around for him. You’ve offered your support, and if he doesn’t accept it, that’s his choice too. If you feel you can’t trust him, I don’t know why you’re still holding a candle for him. A stable relationship needs to be based on trust and communication.

If you lose him forever, the world is still going to turn, and the seasons will still change. Give yourself a little credit, you deserve someone who loves you as much as you love him. If he walks away and never speaks to you again, he clearly doesn’t care about you as much as you thought.

I suggest you go out there, and spend time with people who have time for you, and don’t swell on those who don’t make the time.

Answer #2

I was in similar situations…WAS. I got out because they both ended up full of drama with THEIR GIRLFRIENDS!!! love is wonderful when its real. and of course you want to be in love but thats a B.S. situation so my advice to you is to pack up your heart and RUN!!! he’s full of crap. thats why you cant have him, he has to sort out that other crap in his head. maybe you deserve better. your heart will heal but you dont want to risk being cut or attacked by another woman he is probably dealing with, or worse std’s and children by this guy who is not yours. let him sort of his mess and tell him when he is ready to let you know and maybe you will take him back…tell him that and maybe he will come to his senses…and be straight up

Answer #3

You cant lose someone you dont even have! You are falling for every line hes handing you. Dont you know that ACTIONS speak louder than words? You said, He doesnt want to mess up what we have And you seriously believe that? He probably is in a relationship!! He is SHOWING you everything you need to hear, but your not listening! If he truly loved you like he says, nothing would stand in his way to be with you!!!

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