Why can't I say I love you?

I cannot say I love you or anything in that area… Why can’t I? I’m absolutely sure that I love the guy..

Answer #1

ok, I see now.yeah that’s a good idea because I used to have the exact same problem with my girlfriend because the year before, someone hurt me reeeally bad and led me on for about a year then they told me they were just seeing how I was and they never loved me. I hurt and I put up this wall and that made us have problems at first. she wanted to be in my life and I knew I loved her but..I coldn’t say it..so we broke up. but I stayed singe and she stayed single and finally, when I told her why, it was like a weight lifted off of my shoulders and now I can say it for once with a smile :) but your situation is a little bit different! (it wasn’t my bff haha) but yeah…you should talk to him but it’s really hard since you cant tell him about your bff. but yes you are hurting yourself and I’m sure he will hate hearing that you’re like this and do something about it. tell him why you love him, and what made you fall for him in the first place. maybe, just maybe, you’ll spark the same feeling in him :) I really hope I’ve been some help! lol hope you can read all of this

Answer #2

I am hurt and I became more of a closed book (Im not comfortable with telling my thought or feelings with anybody, not even my best friend) but that wasn’t with à guy but with my ex-bff lol. The situation isn’t completely what you think. The boy doesn’t love me and I know that. But I want to tell him how I feel and I can’t say something due of the incident with my bff… I need to talk to him, because he is à good friend, I feel miserable and Im even hurting myself..

Answer #3

Are you afraid? has he said “I love you” ? have you been hurt in the past? all these could be the reason. You could be actually afraid of love because someone in the past took those word as a game. It may be because it’s your first time to say that-maybe you want to be sure that he loves you before. I don’t know you so honestly I can’t say. but I know that I love my girlfriend so this might work for you: Don’t be afraid of what happened in the past, or what could happen in the future. Just focus on the here and now with him and soon, it’ll come to you :) In fact, have a talk with him about it sometime. Have him tell you that he loves you and I assure you that it will make you comfortable about it! Let me know how it goes.

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