Why can't I forget about being raped?

When I was 3 or 4 I was raped by my father. He went to jail for sexual abuse. Now I am scared to do anything with a guy. When will I get over being raped? Do you think my dad will ever call me back? I hate having that though in my head. I hate the though that it happened. Why can’t I forget about this?

Answer #1


Answer #2

^^^ I agree, you need to move on. It’ll be hard, but you have too. And you have to let yourself know, you have to be strong and think of your future more than your past.

Answer #3

sorry that happened to you :( you probably cant forget because theres a fear that it could happen again. I think it would be best to accept the fact that it happened. and make sure that it can never happen again and that you know that you will never have to be in that situation because you are strong enough to prevent it… you have to be confident in your ability to fight an attacker off. (take karate classes or self defense classes) the best way to overcome the guy thing is to make sure that your with someone you trust 100% and you are very comfortable around. then you will KNOW that they care about you and could never do something like that to you. hope I helped

Answer #4

I have also been raped but my best advice to you is to tell yourself that it is all over now and that you are a stronger better person as for the guy advice its normal to be skiddish around guys just take it slow it will get better get some counsling or talk to a good friend I hope this helps

Answer #5

you are not meant to forget it let it be a lesson don’t dwell on it and learn from it so you can have a more positive experinces in the future The olny way to rid your fears is to face them head on You should try and surround yourself with positive energy and influences when we think about negative situations our lives can turn into a negative situation

Answer #6

That wasn’t just rape, it was sexual molestation and child abuse. From what I have heard from years of listening to the radio show LOVELINE is that this is not something that will get better just by ignoring it until it goes away. You won’t have much of a chance of breaking free from that horrible trauma until you get professional help. I urge you to get some help through your school. The guidance counselor is trained to guide you to professionals that can help you. Your boundaries, your trust, your life was shattered by someone who should have been your protector. YOU DID NOT DESERVE ANY OF THIS. Please, seek some professional help. Good Luck!!

Answer #7

Well I do afree with the above. You can’t really forget getting raped, but you can get used to the fact that not all men outhere are like your father. Have you tried talking to someone about it? Do you have like an uncle or male figures around? Because if you do, then just realize that they havent done anathing to you, and neighter have any of your male friends and they are boys and you are still safe with them. You father wont come back because he’s in jail and he wont come back to do anathing because he can’t get out. And if he does remeber that there is always people to protect you, including the phone for you to dial 911 for emergency.

Answer #8

You will never be able to forget being raped. But what you can do, is learn to move on. Rape is not a subject that anyone could ever forget. I can’t push the subject of you getting over it, because that is hard enough. But I will tell you that dwelling over this is not how you should spend your life. It’ll be hard, but as the years go by, you will be able to move on and become a stronger person in spite of it.

Answer #9

To tell you why you shouldn’t sounds too cruel to me. All I can say is that you didn’t deserve it.

Even if you bring your abuser to justice, you might not feel ok inside. I know this answer is unfair, but only you can heal you now, your friends and family can help though if they want to.

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