Why can't I be pretty?

Why don’t guys like me? I don’t think I”m that ugly but They must because they don’t ask me out or jump behind me when I dance or anything like that. I just want guys to treat me like they treat my friends.

Answer #1

ALWAYS SMILE & LOOK BRIGHT to let them know how friendly you are Talk to your friends A LOT so that other people know you’re alive and you’re not all grumpy and quiet, but actually friendly, funny, and social. Don’t start flirting & get annoying and clingy. That’s just scary.

Answer #2

sweetie its not about looks at all as long as u have a gud personality and a whole lot of confidence and a good attitude ……guys like that stuff …..lol u will be sure to find urself a reallly gud guy that treats u like ur his queen……besides i dont think ur ugly at all……..if it counts!!!!

                     ur friend
Answer #3

i think that you just need to flirt a little bit but dont be annoying about it! be cute but bubbly guys love fun cute girls not snobby girls!

Answer #4

I agree with the others

Answer #5

I agree with the others.

Answer #6

ok ask to be friends with them

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