Why aren't most of my questions going through?

Okayy so I put up a question earlier today and it isn’t up yet… and I also tried to put up an advice like an hour ago and it wouldnt lett me. I’m doing everything im supposed to with it and it said it did but hasnt? any help??

Answer #1

Questions that go into Love and Relationships can take a few hours to appear in the category.

It’s a known issue.

Answer #2

Are you signed in? Did you put your question in the catagory you believe you did?

I found this question in Love and Relationships from 2 hours ago…is this the one you’re looking for?

How woulde I know if my boyfriend is cheating?

Answer #3

To give advice ,, click the blue box underall the previous advice to a question . Other people may have already put advice up after you but …idkay bout that one . You can only send like 2 questions every 10 minutes andbit will say that in red under what you tried to post . You can check the advice you got from others by finding and clicking your question or simply going to your email and clicking on the link . Hope I helped (:

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