Why are these people in my list after they seem so angry?

So when I ask a question, someone inevitably gets all inflamed and decides to send me a funmail full of angry ranting and threats of complaining further about said question.

When it’s all said and done, these irate people appear in my friends list here on FA. I didn’t add them, and I doubt (based on some of the spiteful things they say) that they added me to their ‘’friends’’ list.

Are they automatically added because of the funmail exchange?

Answer #1

Interesting, and thank you!

Answer #2

No, they don’t get added automatically based on fun mail (it’s an idea we’ve kicked around, but, never happened largely b/c of the situation you outlined).

So either you added them previously OR they added you.

Answer #3

they may have added you to make sure they dont ‘loose’ your profile so they can keep tabs on your questions. dumb, but just a suggestion, I dunno lol.

Answer #4

Notice after answering a question that a small pic appears with the href to add as a friend? A lot of people click on the pic. You can alter your preferences to prevent the add friend from happening w/o you approving it.

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