Why are people so boring?

Seriously, like, I don’t know, it bothers me. Lol, I don’t know why I get so irritated by boringness. Lol

Answer #1

People are NOT boring, in fact they ar eway above boring…You make them boring..lets say you think someone who is intersting is appealing to YOUR own personality, as where people who do not shar eht esame inerests may not be as appealing. Make an effort, even if a nerdy person says hey, or if not you say hi to them! They are the most nicest people ever adn not one bit boring.

Answer #2

‘If you’re bored, YOU’RE probably boring!’ Someone told me that once and it just doesn’t make sense. Take school for example, school is boring, mostly because there’s nothing fun to do, and anything fun you’re not allowed to do and will get in trouble for doing. So there you are, left bored, and unable to resolve it by doing something not boring.

Answer #3

lol, well I wasn’t bored after I wrote this. and I’m not boring lol. and to confused girl I didn’t say you were? I don’t see anywhere where I wrote this that you were born to entertain me. is there a private part that I can’t see?

Answer #4

I remember telling a “grown up” once that “everything is SOOO boring”…He told me…

“If you’re bored, YOU’RE probably boring!


Answer #5

You probably just need to hang out with new people. Some types of people I don’t enjoy hanging out with, and other types I do. If you find your friends to be boring, then maybe seek out new relationships.

Now, if you find life in general to be boring, then there’s probably something going on in your own head. We all get bored sometimes.

Answer #6

OUCH thats harsh…

Answer #7

Maybe because people werent born to entertain you?

Answer #8

was this question against the rules?

Answer #9

Then make them un-boring and talk about things that interest them.

Answer #10

I was bored for two seconds, lol. and I’m not boring, at times yes, but not in general. when people are around me, there is a rare dull moment (:

Answer #11

Try not to look to other people for your entertainment :)

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