Why are guys all jerks?

I mean it honestly seems like all guys are the same. It seems like they only want one thing, and after they get it they just leave and forget you ever existed. Just like that. They lie and pretend they care about you, and what happens to you, when really, they could care less. They tell you, “ they never want to lose you” when they leave themselves. You believe all their lies and fall in love. Soon to realize they were just after one thing. & the pain that comes after all of that is just..devastating. I want to meet a guy out there, one who will prove me wrong and show me they are all not the same.

Answer #1

I have some stuff to say bout this. I so agree with the whole they are after one thing, but not all guys are jerks. A lot of them are, but I mean.. girls can be pretty jerk-ish too. I have had experience with the whole ‘once they get what they want the leave and forget you exist’ and to be honest I am still not over the guy who did it to me. I have liked him for 5 years now, and I am very much so in love with him. I find it hard to get over him. We have had a thing off and on for bout a year and a half, but I will not have sex with him, because I know I will become even more attached.. but I guess what I am trying to say is that you can’t just give them what they want because most of the time they will say, yea I had sex with her. blah blah blah… and they will brag about it, and then forget it. Then there you are sitting there like, did it mean anything to you other then ‘oh yeq we had sex?” and the answer is no. Boys are very immature until high school is out.. because testosterone and what not. So when in a relationship, dont fall in love to quickly, and keep you head straight with what YOU want. if you dont wanna have sex then say no, and if he doesnt care, and keeps asking you.. then you need to really think about if he is right for you or not.. hope this helps…

Answer #2

Thank youuu. You are rightt.

Answer #3

You can say all guys are jerks and I can say all women are shady but neither are true.

You are young and most guys when they are younger are not really serious in a relationship and do not expect to marry the girl they will be dating. They are in puberty and have that one thing on their mind…A LOT! You have to be patient if you want a real guy who is man enough and mature enough to have a real relationship but even then it is hard because your goals may not coincide with each other.

The point I’m making is that you have to enjoy your younger years and just have fun and get life experience for awhile. Try not to tie yourself down too quickly because I would put money on that you would regret it later in life.

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