Why are dogs cute?

dogs are cute because they just are, haha suk, I cannot believe you read this sh**, hehe!!

Answer #1

Dog are just like human.They understand us.But they cant talk back to us.Dogs are loyal.And they are just like a babies.So they are cute.^^

Answer #2

Dogs are sent here as an extension of God. They have so many God like qualities. Why do you think the Tibitian Monks and Monistaries raise them?

God gave us dominion over the animals as their care takers. Have you ever stopped to think that maybe we are here for them and not them for us.

If you were not so immature you would give more thought to your question and realize that they are so cute because, like all God creatures they are perfect.

Dog spelled backwards is GOD.

You may grow up now.

Answer #3

I like cats better too, simply because they’re more independent.

“Dogs have owners. Cats have servants.”

Answer #4

Dogs are mangy mutts. I hate them they hate me. Stupid drooling, jumping, clawing dirty things.


im more of a cat person.

Answer #5


You are missing out on so much. I wonder what kind of dog you could have ever had.

As with all things we get what we give and you must have given a poor dog a crawling, jumping, drooling, mangy, stupid experience. I feel sorry for any dog that may have come in contact with you. Poor dog.

I wonder what that poor dog thought of you: What a crawling, jumping, drooling, mangy, stupid person this is.

Cats I agree are also wonderful and just as wonderful as dogs. If you can love a cat there is a dog out there you will love too. “ALL I’M ASKING IS GIVE DOGS A CHANCE” Gee that sounds it would be a good song title.

Hope you have a great day and a big Sheep dog comes up and licks you in the face, one that hasn’ t had a bath in a year. Which by the way is the dog owners fault.

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