why!!am so confused

first I talk to my ex && I was in a fight with my ex-best friend && he said don’t worry idc

what she says && he was calling my 2 ex-bestfriends back stabbers when they

called me one when I wasn’t being one

then I was talking to my guy friend && his good friends with my ex

&& he told me that my ex

said I was a slu* && stuff like that why would he want to be my friend forget the past && then talk crap about me?

Answer #1

um, that whole story is totally confusing. but I say they’re all fake fucckers you need new friends. and a new taste in boys.

I mean that in the nicest way possible :):)

Answer #2

um, that whole story is totally confusing. but I say they’re all fake fucckers you need new friends. and a new taste in boys.

I mean that in the nicest way possible :):)

Answer #3

try hitting them

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