Why am I such a bitch to him ?

Ok so I’m in LOVE wit my boy, we’ve Been dating a year and a half And were 16, I hate when he talks to girls, just talks Or how he smokes everyonce in a while, I don’t know why or how but if he brings up partys or drinking I’ll flippout and bitch cause he knows I don like him going although I DO trust him! How can I getover my jeallousy ?! I DONT wanna breakup, and I feel if I keep acting like this he’ll decide I’m to much to handle, please gimmie Your advice thanx :)

Answer #1

Same position. But I’m with him 24/7. I just don’t like it when he looks at other chicks, I don’t know hard to explain. you get a social site add me! Ask me for my name in the fun mail. If you want.

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