Why am I so talentless?

ok all of my friends and the people I go to school with have all these nifty talents there singers and dancers they play instruments theyre good artists and then you have me I have no talent whatsoever im not really good at anything and I dont know why but its actually really upseting now that I think about it.so what do you think?

Answer #1

‘all of my friends and the people I go to school with’

unless you attend a special school, like one that requires you to have a particular talent to be there (e.g. DASH), I dont think that’s true. In fact, I’d guess more than 90% of the people in your school do not have musical talent. Everyone has their own skills and talents. So you havent found yours yet. There’s a million things a person can be talented in. Listening, speaking, empathy are all talents that we dont really take into consideration (I want to become a counselor so those are things that come to mind). I’m sure you’ve got talent. There’s two ways you can live your life. Believing you’ve got no talent and pitying yourself because you just werent born with any. Or spend your life searching for the thing you’re good at and love to do.

Answer #2

You aren’t talentless…you just haven’t discovered what your talent is, yet. Musical talent shows up pretty early…as does athletics…but there are things that go unnoticed until you’re older (and get out into the world)…wait and see…I’m not just pumping you up…I’m tellin’ ya the truth.


Answer #3

You just don’t know your talent yet. You will get someday but it won’t come without any effort.

I also sing in my band and was once a pro. But I never thought I am talented. I have a lot more to learn and make an effort to be better…lol

PS: Sorry, my english is not too good. anyway, I am trying to be a better english speaker!!

Answer #4

everyone is good at something. why dont you just start taking some lessons if it makes you feel better. I have friends who are like pros at drums and guitar but im still taking lessons and I think to myself ill be a master in a few years

Answer #5

I think everyone has a talent, some are just undiscovered. Some talents are so unique and awesome it takes a while to figure them out. I know you have a mind blowing talent somewhere just have to keep going and trying out new things till you find it!

Answer #6

ok so first of all you have a talent! just not in fine arts aka band music drama art ect. Maybe you are a good writter, jewelry maker, advice giver, friend, maybe you could have a talent in speaking or translating, could volunteering be your talent? Maybe you are good with kids or science, or perhaps video making… Do you have a knack for fashion? Can you style hair/ do make up? Maybe your just more atheletic? do you love the great outdoors, find a hobby in that. Do you know things about first aid or medicine? that is a great talent to have.

you deffinately have a talent!

Look around what are you good at? It could be as simple as socializing or speaking. More importantly, what do you enjoy?

Answer #7

Every single person on this earth has a talent. Yours is just not a common talent. Which is great because there are thousands of artists, musicians, poets, mathematicians…

Your talent will be very special if you haven’t figured it out yet. Make sure you do as much ‘stuff’ as possible. Try surfing.. snowboarding.. clay modeling.. archery.. golf.. cooking.. or even things like mixing music and training animals (dogs).

Good luck :)

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