Why am I so sick?

kk so friday I woke up and threw up 3 times in a row…hopefully because I probably ate too much the night before, and I hardly ate anything that day. The next day (saturday) I was feeling much much better…but I didnt have as much food as I normally would, and yet the next morning Sunday, I threw up again and its always happening in the morning. Im scared because of a school after tomorrow and I dont want to wake up still throwing up Please help me, :(

Answer #1

pregnant ?

Answer #2

I know this, You have overstreched your stomach. This happened to me. You basically stretch it, and then being sick makes it sshrink again. You then stretch your stomach by eating anything for example whatever you ate the next day. what you need to do is just eat a tiny bit day by day increasing it. The best thing is ribena. just try nto eating and living on ribena. Im a trainee doctor and this should help. william.inchbald@hotmail.com If you have any more questions or a reply

Answer #3

Definitly not, I didn’t do anything at all with anyone! I’m only 14!!!

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