Why am I so shy?? please heeelp :S?

ohh I’m in love with a boy who goes at my school!! But I’m too shy to talk to him.. When I see him I get red and it’s like I can’t talk…

I really like him, but I don’t think he likes me tho …:’( this makes me sad and I can’t sleep… please.. Can someone help me? :’((

answer or mail if you want :D

Answer #1

haha thanks you two :D xD

Answer #2

just be cool around him talk about normal stuff. Flirt but dont be overly flirty (can actually be a turn off) but like I said flirt and depending on how well you now him try to get close to him as much as possible. It sounds wierd but when a guy get close to a girl he really starts to want her. Thats at least how I am. Then if you get his number start to text dirty tease him a bit with what he might have and he will be all over you..hope that helps

Answer #3

I think you need to try and get over your shyness and try to be more relaxed around him. Do not focus on on your thoughts too much… the kind of thoughts that goes like this: “oh my God it’s him, oh no he is staring at me, what do I do? bugger bugger bugger. Nooo my face is getting red”… It’s not easy to keep the cool, but that’s what you need to work with first. I dunno whether he likes you or not. But that’s why you need to keep your cool so you can start having relaxed conversations with him n’ get closer to him.

I were in class with a girl who gave me the feeling that she liked me. I am not sure cause she never spoke to me, but wherever I looked when there was a break between lessons at school, I saw her coming down the direction I was. It was kinda creepy, so a little advice along the way that definitely wouldn’t help you if you should consider it. Do not follow him around like a stalker.

Hope you’ll manage to get him to like you :)

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