Why am I so shy?

I hate it, people always make fun of shy people.. Just cause I dont have a loud voice… And I dunno what to talk about most of the time.. Because I am so used to getting picked I am afraid to say anything or just dunno what to talk about with friends or guys. Any advice?

Answer #1

its not necessarily bad to be shy. it can sometimes mean that you’re overly cautious of what you say. thats how I was. I would analyze things I wanted to say before I said it, but by the time I decide to say it, its too late lol…

you’re maybe not very confident are are afraid of being made fun of for what you say, knowing that you could just stay quiet instead.

its a hard thing to fix…u have to start to just speak with some more confidence, because its hard to listen to someone who doesnt speak up with a certain level of confidence in what they say. it just takes practice and stepping outside of whats comfortable.

just remember were all people.lol. if your getting made fun of, you’re not around the right peopleee.


Answer #2

Well I was shy but I always stood up for myself. If someone made fun of me I’d just either kick the crap out of them or make them feel stupid in a small debate over their latest hygiene habit or whatever else I can tell from their misdemeanors. Don’t back down so easy and it is not too late to get your respect back.

Easier said than done you’re at the bottom and the only place you can go is up…So start now and plan your stradegy on who to make friends with so they can have your back even though you’re shy and maybe weak of the mind and body. It’s about who you know, not what you know so make it to where you ‘know’ a lot of powerful people in the social crew and they’ll fight your battles for you.

Answer #3

being shy is no problem at all… but having people make fun of you and you not standing up for yourself isn’t!! take a stand for yourself every once in a while and snap back to those who hurt you… if I were you I’d give them a cut eye/glimpse indicating that you don’t like being made fun of!! and start trying to make frinend and hangout with people that’ll care for you, have your back and help you grow out of your shyness!! =)

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