How can I not come across as haughty?

Im really haughty and everyone is scared to talk to me.

I can give you a photo of me if you like.

how can I be not haughty

Answer #1

You’ve taken the first step, admitting it - when you wake up in the morning, YOU control your attitude and outlook towards others and yourself - take it one day at a time and determine today I’m being Positive, not Negative…you’ll be much happier with life !!

Answer #2

First a narcissist who didn’t want to be narcissistic now an arrogant person who doesn’t want to be arrogant. These really are contradiction in terms.
Ok, all I can say is try and perspective take… Try and understand where other people are coming from… Then start looking at the positive traits in others… I like this person because… Not in comparison to you, because their traits have absolutely nothing to do with you… Every time you start to feel judgemental (because you have to be judgemental to think you’re better than everyone else) just try and redirect the thought to something more positive…

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