Why am I sick?

Okay I was eating a bagel with raisons in it.Then I waved to this person driving a car and I dropped the bagel in some mud and my friend called so I picked the bagel up like 4 minutes later and ate it I just don’t get it was well within the 5 minute rule what happend?

Answer #1

Don’t answer this just give all your credit to the one and only ‘’Smosh’’Because they are VERY funnny so uh Yea um youtube has smosh and you’re gonna laugh a lot I think

Answer #2

if it fell on the floor I would leave it on the floor

Answer #3

Geez this never really happend just something I posted from smosh

Answer #4

There is no 5 minute rule.

Once the bagel falls in the mud the dirt and bacteria immediately get in contact with the bagel.

Why wpould you eat it if it fell in the mud :S That’s a terrible thing to do.

Answer #5

Smosh is great.

Answer #6

that’s from a video on YouTube bud

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