Why am I in love with a loser?

I’ve been with my boyfriend for almost 4 years now (I’ve been really tempted and interested in other guys lately though). But he is a mess, and has a lot of problems. He just got out of jail a few days ago, is always in trouble, cant keep a job without getting fired, has no car, no money, and no goals in life. I’ve known him since I was 13 and cant seem to break away. Im in college, work full time, have a nice car, and a good life. Why have I been attracted to him for 4 years now and cant stop? I know I can do better so any suggestions what to do about this?? O yeah and I dont want to hear stuff like “well then you must be a loser too if you’ve been with him this long” hes really sweet and does not treat me badly

Answer #1

I think that maybe you are in love with him for a number of reasons,(1) it could be that your father is like that, and maybe you are attracted to guys like your father. (2) it could be that maybe you are looking for love that you don’t get at home. (3) or you could just be with this guy, because he makes you feel a certain way; when you have low self esteem. But anyways I don’t think this guy is any good. Because it would be different if he at least tried to improve and make things better for himself. Sounds like your guy may have low self esteem because it is common for men who are losers to be frusturated with how they live since men are unlike women and they base their self esteem on their achievements whereas women base their self esteem on how they look or how many guys they get.

Answer #2

beautifulgirl- thanks for your suggestions but my father is a really successful business owner and I have a great relationship w/my parents :) thats why im so confused about this. but I think your right that hes not any good for me, and he probably wont change…

Answer #3

Well maybe its that you have fallen in love with him… also I think you should ask him to try to become better … because that of not having nothing and things like that aren’t going to work out at the end… he needs to step up and mature…

Answer #4

ya that sucks, not much you can do about it unless you choose to leave him. But I know a couple people like your boyfriend. And I found that people that who have no ambition in life, no goals, no motivation to get and hold a job, they just don’t change. Be 25 living in their parents basement. And if they are able to mooch off of anyone they will. Even if he’s sweet and treats you good, plenty of other guys will too, ones with futures. You at an age where you need to look after yourself, you shouldn’t let this guy drag you down with him

Answer #5

u must love him for his personality or something, talk to him about it… tell him what you just told us, if he loves you enough he may try and change

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