Why am I feeling like this?

Im 13 years old and I has sex for the first time with my boyfriend of 1month. I might be pregnant but I dont know and if I am I dont want to get an abortion but I dont want my mum finding out.

Answer #1

thats stupid. you couldve w8 til you get older..

Answer #2

your 13 and having sex what the heck. thats dumb.. and with the guy only a month. I’ve been with my guy a yeah and a half now and made him wait for 8 months before I had sex with him. which led to more and more and now im knocked up. its not smart. stop havin sex still your responsible enough to leave the house without telling you mom where your going. or old enough to tell an adult close to you.

Answer #3

to find out if your pregnant take a pregnancy test 2-3 weeks after you had sex (any sooner and the results won’t be accurate) in the morning with your first pee is the best time and take it when your period is due not when your on your period as mystery0 said alternatively, see a doctor for a blood test this will both let you find out quicker and give you more accurate results

and remember to LEARN about sex before you go off having it learn about as well as a male and female reproductive system birth control, contraception, pregnancy and sti/stds don’t have sex until you know the consequences involved with it because the main reason why kids and teens get pregnant and get stds is because of a lack of sex education

Answer #4

I’ve got just one question. Why??? Why on earth would you do something like that on the age of 13. You will have a lifetime of sex when you are older and will then be prepared for it and know all the answers to your questions and actually enjoy it. You are so young! Please refrain from this behaviour!!! Enjoy your childhood, because this is the only time that you can be dependant without feeling guilty! This is your right… Pee in the morning won’t help at all. Please get more information on this before encountering into sexual intercourse. It is not something to play with. You can ruin your life in one second, because that’s all that it takes.

Answer #5

Sweetie, if you are pregnant, your mom will find out when you start gaining weight. For gods sake talk to her.

Answer #6

You need to find out if you are pregnat then tell your parents they will be mad at first. Now I have a question why did you have sex at 13?

Answer #7

First find out if you are pregnant and then panic.

Oh and learn and read about sex and the consequences and the protection before you do it again.

Answer #8

Maybe because youre THIRTEEN and had sex?? jeez…

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