Why am I feeling like this?

My boyfriend was sent to prision for ten years he only does half he has 4 years left I love him so much I love reading his letters and getting his phone calls we have been togeather for 5yrs and have two babies togeather the thing is a man from my past has poped back around we always had a strong conection now I’ve found myself thinking about him .im really confused and fill really guilty a part of me wants him around but im scared as I no he loves me.im 22 and scared I love my boyfriend and don’t want to lose him

Answer #1

BOYFRIEND.BOYFRIEND.BOYFRIEND.BOYFRIEND. when my boyfriend was in jail, I was madly in love with him but then an old flame came into my life and he was all I could think about. you’re only thinking about him because he’s THERE and there’s new feelings in your head now. But trusttt me, when my boyfriend came back I choose him because I knew he was the one I couldn’t be with out. while I was with the other guy, I felt so guilty about my boyfriend. now I never really think about the other guy.

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